So many things happened o((>ω< ))o
we had a meetup last week, i went from Dubi's apartment in Tel Aviv to meet Noy Georgie and Tal at Dizicen
i wore my new VS pants and overall, the look that i wore was one of my favs!!
I bought Chirashi dish and we set to eat and chat, we also went to some few stores and the supermarket to get snacks w w
Noy brought me the birthday present she got for me and its PERFECT
and also a sweatshirt that we ordered together w w
shirt..mish mash
pants..VS pink
bag..Peach john brand
accessories..Liz lisa, sweetheartYun
at the supermarket
Georgie's rilakkuma looked so cute w w
The bag from not and the sweatshirt we ordered together w w
Thank u noy i love it so much (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
at the metzion
i changed to the playboy bag not bought me since it was so huge w w
On Saturday i went on a ramen date with Dubi
we went to Men ten ten and it was delicious w w
my booooo
Now dubi is at my house and we're gonna eat breakfast and do something together w w maybe we'll go to Tel Aviv too~
I'll post again this week (✿◡‿◡)
אתה ורוד ומתוק♡♡♡