Wednesday, August 17, 2022

AKP meetupヾ(•ω•`)o

how's everyone??
i actually need to get ready cus I'm going to a concert date with mom today in 2 more hours o((>ω< ))o

I also traveled to Prague last week with my family but ill leave it for the next post w w

anyway before i went on vacay i met Georgie and Noy at Dizicen after 2 weeks we haven't met

Ive worn my now aloha cowboy boots for the first time w w
we chatted, bought sushi at River, and went to ToysRUs to take some pics  
It was a kinda lazy fun meetup, it's been a while since we just hang out without any business thingy going on or meetups for coming fairs and conventions~ so I'm glad (* ̄rǒ ̄)

Here some pics from ToysRUs we took~

found this super adorable rainbow bear;;
and Georgie found her carebear soulmate w w w

not sure what am i rly
a dinosaur girl or a Barbie


since that meetup, we already met again at Givon market last Friday w w but I'll leave it to the next few posts since I gtg now but felt that I wanna blog
Thank u 4 reading

1 comment:

outfits and gets~

wanted to share some outfits from work and more fun things I did~ i used my new   zebra towel when i went to the beach with daniel w now i c...